The Extent of Today
Growing into my own and tired of letting excuses like myself get in the way.
Today I decided to give it all up
Not cause of failure or loss of motivation nor sadness
Actually the opposite
I decided to let it go because I love it
I decided to let it go because what is to come is far more important
I decided to let it go because worst case scenario is that nothing sells
The best case scenario is that it does sell
My art could find a new home somewhere it can be appreciated and honored for who it is as an individual.
I think I honestly held onto so many of my old art pieces thinking that one day they would be more valuable
One day I myself would be more valuable and in turn more people would extend greater monetary value to my work from “back in the day”
But honestly, perhaps I’m just hoarding it. Keeping it to myself in fear that no one else will want it.
I can truly be my own worst deterrent and cheerleader at different times and even simultaneously.
Today I decided to give it all up
Because I love the work enough
Because I love myself
Because I deserve to advance
And because I am trusting God to send it where it needs to be, where it may serve another person, another soul, and add to a new space.
In this way I make room for the new, for the what’s next, and for the blessings and creations I have not dream’t up yet
I want to afford to maintain my studio, I want a afford a house, I want to make new work with no boundaries, I want to support a future family, I want to be able to sow into the careers and businesses of my friends.
Today I decided that is not too much to ask for.
Today I decided that I deserve it enough to make sacrifices and jump into the unknown.
Today I have no idea how I’m going to get to the things I wish for but,
Today I will start with what I do have and in that place of gratitude and pride I will do what I can
Put myself on the line
Step into the uncertainty and leave behind the folly of control
Trusting its all for my greater good somehow some way.
That’s what I did today.
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. — Matthew 6:34